Aged Care

Entering the aged care system is often a difficult time for many families. We, or someone we love, face the prospect of a loss of independence. It can all be very scary.

What’s more, the financial aspects of the aged care system are incredibly complex. What fees do you have to pay? When do you have to pay them? To whom do you have to pay them? How does being in residential care affect your Centrelink entitlements? Your super arrangements? Your estate plans?

We can assist you to fully understand your financial situation and the way that this interacts with your aged care. This involves things like:

  • Working out the type and quality of care you can afford;
  • Working out the costs of this care;
  • Arranging to pay your accommodation and care fees that apply;
  • Ensuring you maximise your Centrelink pension and any other entitlements;
  • Best managing your family home and other significant assets; and
  • Simply ensuring that your time in aged care is as financially comfortable as possible.

In the best cases, planning for aged care should start well before the need for aged care arises. The planning should start when your retirement planning starts – aged care is, after all, part of your retirement. And starting the planning process as early as possible lets you also ensure that this planning complements the other elements of your financial plan, such as your estate planning.

That said, it is also never too late for good planning. So, if aged care is already a reality, then get in touch with us and make sure that you make that reality as pleasant and satisfying as possible.

Nick Shanley

Financial Adviser / Director

Born and bred in Newcastle, Nick is passionate about helping people achieve their financial goals.

Having completed a Bachelor of Finance degree and the FPA’s internationally recognised Certified Financial Planner® course, Nick is well versed on the technical aspects of providing financial advice. With over 10 years’ experience in the financial advice industry, he understands the value of reputation in the hunter and focuses on establishing long term relationships with the people he assists.

Throughout his career, Nick has provided advice to people from all walks of life including high net worth individuals and successful business leaders. The scope of this advice has been wide ranging from simple savings plans to sophisticated Centrelink, pre-retirement and investment strategies.

It is Nick's goal to always display the highest level of integrity and ethical behaviour in all circumstances. This is evidenced by his membership of the Financial Planning Association and the Hunter Young Professionals.

The vast majority of people Nick assists come from word of mouth and appreciate his no pressure methods of simplifying and improving their financial situations through continuous communication and support.

Nick is always interested in sharing his knowledge so feel free to contact him on 0425 345 128 or

Nick Shanley is an authorised representative (338220) of Sensibly Pty Ltd (AFSL 533923).

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